SGI Hot Mix 17
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; $Id: hist_2d.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1992-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; Return the density function (histogram) of two variables.
; Image processing, statistics, probability.
; Result = hist_2d(V1, V2)
; V1 and V2 = arrays containing the variables. May be any non-complex
; numeric type.
; Keyword Inputs:
; MIN1: MIN1 is the minimum V1 value to consider. If this
; keyword is not specified, then it is set to 0.
; MIN2: MIN2 is the minimum V2 value to consider. If this
; keyword is not specified, then it is set to 0.
; MAX1: MAX1 is the maximum V1 value to consider. If this
; keyword is not specified, then V1 is searched for
; its largest value.
; MAX2 MAX2 is the maximum V2 value to consider. If this
; keyword is not specified, then V2 is searched for
; its largest value.
; BIN1 The size of each bin in the V1 direction (column
; width). If this keyword is not specified, the
; size is set to 1.
; BIN2 The size of each bin in the V2 direction (row
; height). If this keyword is not specified, the
; size is set to 1.
; The two dimensional density function of the two variables,
; a longword array of dimensions (m1, m2), where:
; m1 = Floor((max1-min1)/bin1) + 1
; and m2 = Floor((max2-min2)/bin2) + 1
; and Result(i,j) is equal to the number of sumultaneous occurences
; of an element of V1 falling in the ith bin, with the same element
; of V2 falling in the jth bin, where:
; i = (v1 < max1 - min1 > 0) / b1
; and j = (v2 < max2 - min2 > 0) / b2
; Note: elements larger than the max or smaller than the min are
; truncated to the max and min, respectively.
; None.
; None.
; Not usable with complex or string data.
; Creates a combines array from the two variables, equal to the
; linear subscript in the resulting 2D histogram, then applies
; the standard histogram function.
; Return the 2D histogram of two byte images:
; R = HIST_2D(image1, image2)
; Return the 2D histogram made from two floating point images
; with range of -1 to +1, and with 101 (= 2/.02 + 1) bins:
; R = HIST_2D(f1, f2, MIN1=-1, MIN2=-1, MAX1=1, MAX2=1, $
; BIN1=.02, BIN2=.02)
; Written by:
; DMS, Sept, 1992 Written
; DMS, Oct, 1995 Added MIN, MAX, BIN keywords following
; suggestion of Kevin Trupie, GSC, NASA/GSFC.
; Form the 2 dimensional histogram of two arrays.
; Result(i,j) = density of value i in im1, and value j in im2.
; Input images must be, of course, the same size....
function hist_2d, im1, im2, Min1 = mn1, Min2 = mn2, Max1 = mx1, Max2 = mx2, $
Bin1 = b1, Bin2 = b2
m1 = max(im1, min=mm1) ;Find extents of arrays.
m2 = max(im2, min=mm2)
if N_elements(mn1) eq 0 then mn1 = 0 ;Supply default values for keywords.
if N_elements(mx1) eq 0 then mx1 = m1
if N_elements(mn2) eq 0 then mn2 = 0
if N_elements(mx2) eq 0 then mx2 = m2
if N_elements(b1) le 0 then b1 = 1L
if N_elements(b2) le 0 then b2 = 1L
m1 = floor((mx1-mn1) / b1) + 1L ;Get # of bins for each
m2 = floor((mx2-mn2) / b2) + 1L
if m1 le 0 or m2 le 0 then message,'Illegal bin size'
; Combine with im1 in low part & im2 in high
if mn1 eq 0 and mn2 eq 0 and $ ; Fast case without scaling?
b1 eq 1L and b2 eq 1L and $
mx1 le m1 and mx2 le m2 and $
mm1 ge 0 and mm2 ge 0 then $
h = m1 * long(im2) + long(im1) $
else if b1 eq 1L and b2 eq 1L then $ ;Avoid dividing?
h = m1 * long((im2 < mx2) - mn2 > 0L) + long((im1 < mx1) - mn1 > 0L) $
else $ ;Slowest case
h = m1 * long(((im2 < mx2) - mn2 > 0L) / b2) + $
long(((im1 < mx1) - mn1 > 0L) / b1)
h = histogram(h, min = 0, max= m1 * m2 -1) ;Get the 1D histogram
return, reform(h, m1, m2, /overwrite) ;and make it 2D